The Importance of Good Feedback on Ebay
Building up a good feedback record on eBay is your #1 priority starting out. The credibility factor will weigh on you at the beginning but this can be overcome...
Treat your winning bidders like royalty...
Sell them a quality product...
Actively pursue positive feedback...
Winning bidders will leave feedback for you only about 35% if you don't prompt them at all. Let them know that you NEED feedback...
Make it easy for them to get to the forum by emailing them a link and consistently follow-up... You can get that up to about 90%.
Once you have a good record people will be much more likely to do business with you. Make it your goal to never get a negative comment.
This is hard to do but very impressive with the buyers. If
get 'negged', correct the mistake and move on, it's not the end of the world.
Kindly reply to the response with a rational explanation for the problem and your buyers will overlook it when they glance your profile.
If you respond with a little magnanimity, you can even turn a neg into a positive in the browser's eyes...
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