Sunday, November 05, 2006

If you are new to eBay..

I was talking to a friend who is new to eBay. And I remembered how much there was to learn as a beginner. It’s easy to make mistakes, rush through explanations on the eBay site and make detrimental choices when listing or buying.

I want to emphasize again – if you are new to eBay, sell some items to start that don’t matter too much. Keep the prices under $20 if possible, check your spelling, category – read the rest of this blog for lots of tips. Each time you list an item, something different will come up that you’ll need to learn about. Increase your confidence and knowledge through practice. Become familiar with how it all works.

The only really important rule to remember in the beginning is to do give your buyer what you’ve said you would – in service and product. It will be detrimental to your future success on eBay to receive negative feedbacks, especially in the beginning.