Keeping Track of Your Ebay Auctions
If you list less than 5-10 auctions at a time, you can probably keep track of them with the old pen-and-paper method, or with a simple spreadsheet.
If you choose this method, follow these steps for keeping track of the auctions : use a separate sheet of paper for each auction you list.
Write down the item number, URL, listing date, listing price, and category, along with any other comments or pertinent information.
When the auction ends, write down the ending date, the sell price (if any) and the buyer's contact information. Index the auctions by auction number for quick reference in a file.
This method works well for fewer than 10 auctions online each week. If you have more than that, you must use a database system of some kind, I highly recommend the many tools and software at Auction Resource Network
Selling the merchandise is only half the battle to make money selling on Ebay - you MUST keep track of your sales or you will quickly find yourself lost and confused.
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